Sunday, October 16, 2011

something to be inspired by - the artwork of Isabelle Tremblay

I first saw her work in Montreal in the gallery linked at the end of a long day of looking at sinking potholes and 3 storey H&Ms. It was absolute soul food. I can taste and relive it in full IMAX worthy dimension when I see these photos, my eyes salivating and my heart gnawing at the thrill. Among my absolute favourite modern artists - in the sense that her work inspires me to push myself in my own artwork as well as by the inner measurement that I could own and look at one of her pieces in my home, only love it more each time I admired it. I am dazzled by her innovative portraits, her fearless use of unorthodox colour and texture, and her portrayal of femininity, dreamy and grounded all at once. Click the title link and have a taste (or as my Dutch grandpa would say "a shmeck") for yourself.

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